Goin waaaaay back for this one
Intro Video
Bat Out of Hell is the Debut Studio Album straight from the oven of Meatloaf, AKA Jim Steinman (Yes, the guy from fightclub with the...assets.) Released on October 21, 1977 (feel old yet, boooomer?) Let us take a ride together and check this one out
Bat out of Hell
The 9 and half minute epic. Starting off with fantastic ragtime piano. Transitions to a sort of Who sounding melody accompanied by a nice guitar solo. Then we kick it into pure Broadway styled classic rock when loaf starts belting out the lines. The words perfectly paint the picture of the music. The chorus here is legendary, and when you hear it its hard not to sing along with it. Soft bridge leading to a theatrical ensemble of piano flailing guitars screaming, and mr. loaf leading the way. Quite frankly this is one of the greatest songs of all time
You Took the Words Right Out of My Mouth (Hot Summer Night)
Will you offer me an explanation? What on earth is going on in that intro. After we are through that, we get back to the classic rock. If you haven't figured it out by now, Meatloaf is able to paint the picture of a song with the best of em, just using his words. His voice grabs your attention, even when subject matter is a little silly. Another easy sing along chorus.
Heaven Can Wait
Beautiful ballad here. Great piano work accompanied by orchestral strings. This style really suits his vocals exceptionally. The melodies are effective in hitting the emotions of dread, but with a tinge of hope. It's simply elegant
All Revved Up with No Place to Go
Time for some sexy sax, who doesn't love sexy sax. This song is definitely revved up from the last 2 going with straight up rock an roll. You know, a good way to explain the sound of this song, picture a more aggressive billy joel being sung by elton john. Yea, that about sums it up, its great
Two Out of Three Ain't Bad
Another Ballad. Personally don't like it as much as Heaven Can Wait. That doesn't mean its bad, far from it. It's still a great classic rock ballad. Something about it reminds me of Journey. We have one more ballad on the album and spoilers, I like that one a bit more. Guess 2 out of 3 aint bad.
Paradise By the Dashboard Light
Love that intro riff. We kicken into some high tempo blues stuff here, and I am all for it. It really changes that up during the chorus though, but it makes sense as a transition to the Elley Foley verse, where it kicks back into the blues rock. About halfway through it does a pretty jarring transition though to a bridge that could have been a little smoother. Thats the only real blemish. But then we head back and Hot patootie, bless my soul, I really love that rock and roll.
For Crying Out Loud
The final track is one last ballad. It's softer and feels much more emotional, raw. But, you start to hear it building up, like the emotions boiling over. I've said it once, and I'll say it again, Meatloaf can sing with the best of em, he really is one of the best in rock and music history. You just kind of lose yourself in the music of this one, close your eyes and really take it in. Eventually, the emotions fully boil over and the rest of the band joins in on the fun. This song really is the perfect send off to the album.
Many bands have great opening albums, but I don't think there are as many as strong as this one. There's a reason its considered legendary, I mean you can buy a new version in target for crying out loud. And it is quite pretty I might add. I'm not going to stretch this out too long, This is one of the best albums of all time, and you need to check it out if you have not, because Meatloaf is joining Ozzy in the ranks, of First Class
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