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Body Count - Carnivore


Do Carnivores drink Iced Tea?

Carnivore, is the 7th studio album from the band, Body Count, Fronted by the man himself, Ice-T, released on 3/6/2020.

Body Count is a band I've been aware of for quite some time, but never dived too deep into. So with a new album coming out, thought now would be a better time than ever. Let's check this thing out, shall we


Police sirens accenting the beautifully ominous guitar intro. It eventually leads to delishesly heavy riff. Whole song is overall heavy, the chorus however, has a corny as hell roar. I think it would have been a little better without that. Drumming through the solo section is a good transition between double bass techniques. Lyrics are bout what you would expect, being the apex predator with the pansies fallin to the waist side

Point the Finger

Very Thrashy riff here. Very Thrashy Song. Very obvious subject matter. *Gulp don't shoot the messenger here please. Police Brutality and killings of innocent, unarmed black men then being blamed for being a victim. Not all cops are bad, not all men are innocent, but one thing that's for sure is there is too much death (I could have worded this better, but I think you know what I mean)


Governments contributing to gang wars, hate wars, and wars in general, and growing fat from its prophets. The music is very chunky here, suiting Ice-T's vocal style very well. Song is basically saying that instead of hating one another, if we all banded together, there's no well they could stop us all.

Ace of Spades

Tribute to Late-Great Lemmy. Starts off with A good speech showing him out. Uuuuunfortunately this one sounds like he got drunk and went to do karaoke. But, its a tribute and I will never fault someone for paying homage to a fallen great. They play the song note for note, but I'd say their tones suit the song well

Another Level

Attention all, Slayer has entered the building! This one is slooow and heavy. Quite possibly my favorite from this one. They took it to another Level. This one fuses the Hip Hop and Metal mentalities flawlessly. This one should kick ass live


Metal version of the classic Colors. The flow here is groovy as hell. Colors converted nicely across genres without losing its essence. You've all heard the original, check this one out

No Remorse

When I was going through the track listing I thought they did a Metallica cover. Not the case. Songs bout showing no remorse for what you do, what you say, what you are, meaning every bit of it all. No Remorse, no repent. This song is actually very much hilarious thanks to the lovely imagery Ice T presents

When I'm Gone

Tribute to Nipsy Hussle after being shot and killed in LA. Basically saying in this one, don't claim to love me, or miss me if you have ignored me and are only there because I'm dead. Miss Amy Lee is here as well. And they meld together very well. Amy is always a welcome edition to whatever she does. Music here matches the heavy subject matter. Be there for one another, through thick and thin

Thee Critical Breakdown

Tell us how you really feel T. I mean dude chill, the first part of your name is Ice for a reason damn. This song is heavy as hell, fast pace pure mosh time. It actually has an opportunity for a Wall o death too. Those is always fun. But seriously, calm down man or at least make sure your life alert is up to date

The Hate is Real

Taking on racism in all its shapes and forms, and pushing forward the fact that its mostly ignored. As for the music its like if Slayer and Anthrax had a baby and it was a beautiful beautiful Baby. Keep your eyes open, and stay informed. Don't take in what you read without a grain of salt.

6 in Tha Morning

Another metal remake of a classic. And again, it works. Just like with Colors the multiple styles lend well to the others.

I was pleasantly surprised by this album. Like I said, I knew of body count and heard a few songs, but I never knew the level of heavy they go too. Rap and Metal, more so thrash, have always been connected to me. See Anthrax as exhibit A. Same attitude goes into both with just different instrumentation. Whether you like one or the other, You should give this one a spin

Thank you for Checking out my review of Carnivore. Comment below any albums you think I should check out, also give me one of these if you'd. Click over here to check out my Review of Down in a hole from ja...Kiefer Sutherland, click here for my review of F8 from Five Finger Death Punch. Click here if you would be so kind as to subscribe. And ring that bell to be notified of my next video. Till then, Names David, But you can call me Fenrirock



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