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Bring Me the Horizon - Post Human: Survival Horror


Bring Me the Horizon - Post Human: Survival Horror

I was in need of a soul cleanse...

After my last review, I was felt feeling a little bummed. I hop on YouTube and start seeing reactions to a bunch of new Bring Me the Horizon songs. I check and sure enough new album. That billboard new album listing sucks. So its back to my roots with some metal time. Hopefully my soul will thank me after these. And here, we, go

Dear Diary,

Right off the bat I feel much much better. The beginning sounds like something out of a boss battle in a game and I feel at home. This song is utterly relentless. Oli screams like a banshee throughout, guitars and drums pedal constantly and we get a freakin solo. This truly is the soul cleansing I was looking for. And the build up to the breakdown and the breakdown itself is just perfectly bouncy. That is the correct way to open an album

Parasite Eve

Hey I've played this game before, that's why the title looked so familiar. The intro to the song slightly reminds me Adiamus. This song is a strong shift from Dear Diary. I really only got into Bring Me the Horizon a little over a year ago and that is in small doses. They are smooth rap elements in this song, not really rap but a solid flow. There's a pretty nice riff after the solo. Even though this song is much more subdued it still has its moments.


These Teardrops are not from sadness, but headbanging joy, as that intro riff section is very thick. The verse reminds a bit of the scene kid days that I would have hated back in high school but I have matured. And Yes, I know thats what Bring Me the Horizon was. Its a little refreshing hearing that style done here with more modern sound. And straight up, I can picture this song being used in a Dude Perfect video. That would be awesome


Love the beginning of this song. I'm really starting to think they wrote a video game soundtrack here and I'm all for it. The verse is very solid and that chorus is catchy as hell, even with the use of a somewhat unexpected chord progression. I'm glad the intro riff was not a one and done use. The scream before the bride (I wouldn't call it a breakdown) was very much the savage. Song is a little safe in ways but pushes it in the right spots to make it oh so nice

Itch for the Cure

This is one haunting sounding stuff going on. Pure horror movie vibes up till the somewhat uplifting techno part that was unexpected. Then I look at the track list and realize what this song was for


The combination I never knew I wanted. If it somehow isn't obvious now, I love anime, and I love Metal, so I love Baby Metal. This song is just so damn fantastic. Pure energy, pump up music and the Baby Metal part of the chorus just ties it all together. I MISS FANIMEEEEE. This song is savage and fun all at the same time, and that is everything I want in music

Sub Speech


I know its only for a brief second but the little vocal part right at the start really made me think instantly of Eiffel 65. What that did was make this song sound like if Eiffel 65 wrote a metal song. And in case you don't get it, that means I like it a lot. Has a solid melody to it and is all around sonically pleasing. Song is the perfect example of being slightly generic without sounding generic, you know? That is a great recipe to make someone like a song. You make it have elements that have it sound super original, when really it follows the motions that make it resonate just right with your brain, that's genius


Industrial sounding. There are feelings of 21 Pilots, kinda, maybe more than kinda. Even the scream here sounds like one of Tyler's. Its very different but I really dig this track. It was a bit of a come down song but that was necessary I feel. The breakdown riff is very spicy

One Day the Only Butterflies Left Will Be in Your Chest as You March Towards Your Death

Jesus Christ that title. Once again we are graced with the beautiful voice of Amy Lee. What other review did I do that she was on? Body Count, hot damn really, that still feels weird. This song though, is equally as unexpected, as it is completely stunning in its own beauty. Mark my words it will be on the radio. After all the craziness that was on this album you'd think this is an odd way to end the album, but I think it 100% works.

Consider my soul cleansed. Listening to this album revitalized my forces and I'm ready to, well really I don't know I'm ready to do but dammit I'm gonna do. This album is Most Excellent and damn it is also Most Fun. You should check it out, even if you are just curious as its just over half an hour long. Dooooo it. Take Care



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