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Bruce Springsteen - Letter To You


Bruce Springsteen - Letter To You


Its about time we get some Springsteen up in here, and what better to go with than the brand new album Letter To You. Now, I'm not overly familiar with Bruce and the E-street band. I know the hits, some of the non hits as well but I've never really sat down and just listened to him. So this should feel fresh in its own way. Well, Here, we go

One Minute You're Here

Just Bruce and nice little acoustic melody. Very old school country, which I have stated in the past is what I like. It's super laid back and I wasn't expecting that to be the start. As the track proceeds the backing music slowly builds up in just the perfect amount and feels very natural. Good way to start

Letter To You

Title track time and this is the style of music I expect to here when throwing on some Bruce. Old school east coast rock and roll. The solid simple yet dynamic rhythms thanks to the multiple layers from the E Street Band. I like the tone of the lead guitar that comes through, along with the organs. Nice complementary tonality. Some may say that this song makes Bruce sound old but for one he is, and two he's really always sounded like this since the start. Song worthy of being a title track.

Burnin' Train

All aboooourd. This sounds a bit like a U2 song mixed with Springsteen. Thankfully much more of the Spring side. Bruce pushes his voice in the bridge and it hits oh so nicely. I will say I somewhat wish the music took a minute to tone it down for a little bit. Its upbeat pretty much the entire time and it starts to wear its welcome, but only a little bit

Janey Needs a Shooter

Really good guitar work that is deceptively complex. I like the way the chorus get build up and then delivers. The build up is short but effective. It's crazy to think that all these years later they still have not lost that signature sound. I can see this song really being a crowd favorite to sing along with. I will say there is some fat that could have been trimmed from the song

Last Man Standing

Back to the rolling guitar and soloed vocals. Doesn't last long though as it goes back to the Arena Rock style that help build up so high for so long. This song brings on some sexy sax to harmonize the guitar that always sounds great. Really though that's the only thing that stands out to me in this song. Otherwise it mainly just follows the status quo set so far

The Power of Prayer

Get some Stand out piano. Feels a bit wasted though as it just evolves back to the norm. Before you get all uppity, yes I know that's how they sound, and its a good sound. I'm just saying that its my observation. I look for songs to have their own Identity and you can still do that even if the songs sound similar but so far this songs so for the most part very similar

House of a Thousand Guitars

I wanna go to a place with a Thousand Guitars. This song is where I was hoping the last was going. Vocals with just piano. In story telling styles of music, I feel its best in its simplest forms, be it Vocals with Guitar or Piano. Then as you go you can build with it, and this song does that so well. Its a little more of the same but it has a flare that helps it stick out.


We could use a rainmaker right about now. We go back to the more rock country style and its a good change of pace. This song makes me think of people who say they hate country but say they love either Skynard or the Eagles. They make me laugh. Ok back to this song. I like the verse a lot. The chorus, no. The structure sounds a little forced and a little off, like its in the wrong song. Songs a bit of a mixed bag that unfortunately to me falls more to the eh side.

If I Was the Priest

This song really reminds me of old Bruce as he pushes it more vocally. It's something he hasn't done too much in this album which I understand the strain that it takes to do it. I can imagine its not as easy to do anymore as it used to be. Song is an old school rock song its great form.


Its hard to beat a simple but thunderous drum beat to open a song. Same goes for a vocal with guitar riff response. Tried and true method that is good no matter how many times its done. This is another song I think will benefit greatly once its done live. One of my favorites of the album.

Song for Orphans

Song for Batman? Beyond that stupid line I don't have much to say about this song. Its back to old rock style and follows the motions. Bummer since the last few songs stood out from the rest

I'll See You in My Dreams

I almost feel like there's an intro missing from this song, or like it was part of one of the earlier songs that got chopped off, as it just gets going. Song is a tribute to a fallen friend, and takes the celebration side of mourning as it keeps an upbeat nature to it and avoids the somber nature of most. We all know the feeling of loosing a loved one, and while it will never get easier, we must celebrate the lives they shared with us while they where her instead of feeling the dread that comes with loss, that is what they would want

In the end, this album contains the classic rock and roll sound that is timeless, that spreads over generations. That being said there isn't enough here to really make it stand out. Its the perfect type of album to through one during a get together, to have playing in the background. When You want great music playing but don't want it to take away from the occasion. You should definitely give this one a spin. Take Care



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