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Five Finger Death Punch - F8


Time to grab all the bud light from wal mart Bro

Intro Vid

F8 is the newest album from your favorite band to hate, Five Finger death punch, released on Feb 28th, 2020. So many claim to hate FFDP but if you don’t have at least one song from them on your workout playlist, you’re lying. Every Genre has that band everyone loves to hate. Become the easy punching bag. Butt of every joke. With the bro fisting lyrics and repetitive nature of their music, its easy to see why. But Like I have previously stated in a previous review, some formulas are better than others. So how is the 8th ingredient in the FFDP formula? Let’s find out

  1. F8

Instrumental opening, and an effective one at that. It does a good job of amping up and just hits you in the right places. The Transition from Violins to guitar is pretty seamless. It finishes building up and paying off into...

  1. Inside Out

A Pretty solid actual opening song. Heavy main riff, and the violin riff carries over into the bridge riff here. The chorus vocally is pretty stereotypical Death punch. But the riff playing during then is actually really nice. The lyrics in this one aren’t as straight forward as normal. Nothing deep but not bad. It’s a song you’d expect but better than some of there other more formulaic songs. All in all, good song

  1. Full Circle

More of an electronica guitar riff here, but still good. The verse in this one is one of them pump up riffs to your melodic chorus. Again, this one just works better than normal. I think its the flow that comes together pretty great here. Songs about not being able to change the world, and laughing as it basically crumbles away. Also the solo is pretty tasteful. Ends on that electronica riff, Full circle

  1. Living the Dream

Slow jam time, slow thick jam. There’s some actual clever play on words in the verse and nerdy chorus. This song does the opposite of the norm with the heavy verse then clean verse. Not enough bands do this. Again, a tasty solo here. It’s short but its nice. Strong song here

5. A Little bit off

Five Finger Sheeran Punch? Chuck, They done did an acoustipop song, what? Then the chorus hits and it turns into a Nickelback song. I am so confused. I still like it but it just feels weird. Guess its just A little bit off...

6. Bottom of the Top

This song could quite possibly have, the worst, chorus in Death punch history. It’s annoying. Otherwise the riffs are good, drums are good, I’m good

7. To be Alone

Ok, here we go, time for freakin grooving out. That opening riff is naaasty. Then it goes away and I am sad. I feel alone.. ok enough title puns. It’s, once we are through the talkie verse and generic chorus the riff comes back. The verse also has a somewhat country cadence to it. This song had potential but falls short thanks to being overall generic. But that one riff dammit, wasted

8. Mother May I (Tic Toc)

This one is pretty meh, good little run in the main riff. Lyrics are straight forward. Can’t be like the celebrities you see, wanting to be that, then snapping, bringing that want to an end. I may be a little off, but it sure as hell seems to be what its about. Nothing really special here.

9. Darkness Settles In

This one is good. Death Punch ballad but has country music style lyrics. It’s a good chill out song from them. It’s actually pretty deep. Brought back the wrong side of heaven play on words somewhat. This song seems to be very personal and it comes through strong. Don’t let the outside influence you on the outside to much or it may end you. You are beautiful as you are, and you are strong. I resonated pretty well with song, it’s going to become a regular listen

10. This is War

Time to pick up the pace again. non stop here, going to be a sure crowd pleaser. It’s the stuff you expect from them when they want to be fast. Fun stuff, be it somewhat generic by their standards, but still fun. Weather you focus on headbanging, moshing, or both. Also second half of the song lets loose even more and makes this song go from good to almost great.

11. Leave it all Behind

Not much to say here. I think they were going for a deeper meaning with the lyrics with this but I just didn’t feel it. Maybe the music didn’t fit well with it. After a few listens I feel that may change. It’s not bad but for now, I’d say it’s skip-able

12. Scar Tissue

Again with the Fast Groovy times. Transitions nicely into a slower bridge groove, then a slower nice melodic chorus. The chorus ends with a slight dud though as in this case saying the track title wasn’t really necessary. It recovers pretty quick though. Solo section has a good groove to it as well, drum beat is a little different from your standard metal beats too. Other than the one small blemish me likey, me likey a lot

13. Brighter Side of Grey

Is this one of them 50 shades I’ve heard so much about? Love songs brought to you by FFDP. Some bands, even when the song is good, its hard to take a love song seriously. But in this case, I think you should. It’s cheesy but who cares, just enjoy the music dammit

14. Making Monsters

Riffs, Riffs, oh glorious riffs. The first time hearing this one I couldn’t help but audibly go oooooohoooooo. This song kicks ass. It’s up there as amongst some of my favorite death punch songs. It’s the first song on here that I really got the feeling right away of, I want to learn this one. I get the image of you just jumping around in the crowed, head looking down, and alternating a hands up and down. Possibly my favorite of the album

15. Death Punch Therapy

The title suites this song quite well. It sounds like older death punch, lyrically and musically. If you haven’t listened to them in a while, this might actually be a good starting point to warm up. Maybe it should have been the opener. Just as long as my therapist doesn’t have a bloody handprint on their face

In closing, this is a pretty good outing from the Five Finger Death Punch. Some are saying its their best yet but I wont go that far. War is the Answer is still pretty hard to beat for me. It may be however a good introductory album to someone who hasn’t heard them before. One of the stronger albums but gives them room to hear 2 or three better ones. What I’m trying to say is, you should Give it a Spin

Thank you for checking out this review. Comment below any other albums you think I should check out. Click here to check out my most recent video reviewing Dragon ball Z Kakarot, Click here to check out my Review of Ordinary Man by Ozzy, And click here if you’d like to subscribe. Go ahead and give that bell a 5 finger death punch to be notified of my future videos. Till then, names David, but you can call me Fenrirock



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