Better late than ever, right?
Lamb of god is the latest release from lamb of god, released back on June 19th, 2020. They have allways been a band I liked, but I never really did a deep dive. I have heard every album for the most part, and the last time I was going to see them live finally the show was cancelled. I’ve been a big fan of their sound, and they created one of my favorite riffs in till the end. But none of that matters, how is their most recent release? Lets find out together, shall we. Here we go
Memento Mori
Starting off we have Memento Mori. I'm a big speaker on the importance of atmosphere in music, and the beginning of this song just oooozes it. I can picture you walking down a moonlit hallway of a mansion. Then BOOM you get double kicked in the face as you are reminded who you are listening too. It’s nothing out of the ordinary from them, but after the intro of the song it hits different. I do like that breakdown though, a lot.
The first song we heard from this album. This song landed on my playlist as soon as I first heard. That bluesy Intro is too sexy not too. The structure of the verse is great with its diversity of speeds. Randy’s screams are on full display in the chorus with a great play on words. Its another song that follows their formula, but its one of the best examples you have for it.
Different sort of intro here, with Guitar riff an snare roll. The riff in the verse sounds somewhat familiar at first but has little added notes in it that makes it feel fresh. The prechorus and the chorus itself are very, satisfying. The have a build up quality to them that works quite well. The solo is ok, but I actually prefer the rhythm being played underneath, that riff rocks
Reality Bath
We are back to haunted house feelings in the intro, for a bit, cus then the verse picks up the pace and just.....Me like. I was feeling the flow of the someone chill haunt but the pedal of metal is the best. Gets your head a bobbin. I really enjoy the back and forth nature in the style of this song, keeps it unpredictable and separates itself from the others, favorite song so far
New Colossal Hate
Lets spread a little hate worldwide. I think this may be the most moshable song so far. Closing my eyes I really just see one of the great live shots from music festivals. Man I miss concerts...the bridge and breakdown really cement this song as the mosher so far
Resurrection Man
Resurrection F... I mean Man is up next, starts kinda creepy, like a porcelain doll... then the doll go BLEH. This is the HEAVIEST song so far. I mean, hot damn you can feel it pushing down. We have hit a great pocket in the album here with the last 3 songs that all sound very different. There's a great drum fill around the 2:30 mark that sticks out to me. The Bridge and riff after it scream for a Running Man Circle pit, then right youre done with that, we get a part that is cleeeeearly going to be a wall of death with its diminished notes and heavy stomp on your soul. This song is just spectacular
Poison Dream
Featuring Jamey Jasta. There's something old school starting the song with just the straight unfiltered guitar riff. Helps when its a great riff. I like the stop in the riff post chorus to. I don't have much to say in this song other than the riffs are great. Jamey's screams do add a nice dimension to the vocal's of course. Other than the riff parade this song is a little thin. But the guitar work is top notch here to counteract it
Before we get to the final few songs, I have a goal, of reaching 100 subscribers by the end of this year. If you are enjoying this video, or have enjoyed any of my past videos and have yet to subscribe, please consider doing so. Help me reach this goal, I'll be eternally grateful
They've gone kinda testamenty with this one, which makes sense because Chuck Billy is here, and when he comes in whooooooo its soo nice. Thrash metal is my favorite style of metal and this song is a great thrash song. This song is short, sweet, and to the point of greatness
Bloodshot Eyes
We got Randy singing clean, and I think his clean voice is underrated. Randy is really the only part of this song I like, as the rest of it is just kinda there. Even when the guitar tries to pick it up its too generic to elevate the whole song beyond where it is, as the weakest song of the album
On The Hook
We are ending the race with a sprint. This song sounds very akin to early Lamb of God, and saving that for the end of the album is actually a good idea in my head, leave all fans happy. Its another song that changes up styles throughout but remains cohesive enough that it doesn't lose you. Its a great song to close out the album
This album is pretty great, its nothing too new save for a few fantastic moments that really set them apart. There are some songs here that will definitely remain on my rotation. One thing that is abundantly clear though, they are missing Adler. The only time the drums ever stuck out to me was that one fill, otherwise the drumming is just kinda there, solid, but there. Overall, if you have not listened to this album yet, or even lamb of God overall, I'd recommend you give this one a spin. This is Fenrirock signing off, take care.