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Marilyn Manson - We Are Chaos



I'll be honest, I had no idea this was coming out. I was walking through Target and saw his fac just sittin on the shelf and I was all Wait Wuuuuuuh. Thus began the journey to this video. Now, me and Marilyn Manson, its complicated. I had a very very scarring incident at a battle of the bands thanks to beautiful people and an individual who will go unnamed. Also I've been a fan of his music but I don't listen very often. Lastly, I saw him live with Slipknot a few years ago and straight up, he was baaaad. So I have preconceived notions or bias coming into this, so here, we, go


Severely ominous beginning you've come to expect, like a great start to the Halloween season. After about the minute long intro it kicks into a very nice groove. This song really has the classic Manson sound to it, but has a freshness that I can't really explain. Like he himself sounds a little more alive. The song manages to maintain its atmosphere throughout, easy to see this being blasted in the car


oh its so pretty! Song sounds very different from what I expected. Best way I could really put this, imagine if Green Day wrote the song, and Manson put the Mansonyness on it. That sounds kinda lame but trust, it works. Very Stadium rock vibe to it, again, it works


Little bit back to what you would expect. I'm a fan of the flow that the chorus has to it. Actually, i taste flavors of INXS. Oh god imagine manson fronting INXS. With that terrifying thought out of the way, Straightforward but solid song


ok is this Marilyn Manson the hippie album? Cus now we have Pink Floyd and Beatles with a sprinkle of Elton John. It rocks haha. Really, there isn't much more I can say, that first sentence really sums this up. Song kinda rules


I really like that Piano riff. This is the first song I'd give the just close your eyes and feel it rating too. Not a song you headbang too but you do the bob too it. The Majority of this album has been very straightforward, but it just sounds really good


oh we back to the spoopy. also, is he saying Faster Gastly?? oooooooh fast and ghastly gotcha. Song really captures the sound you'd expect, and I love that line "You're dead longer than you're alive" Metal as fuck


ok, this has the classic manson sound to it, in full Metal Bowie form. Sounds older than a brand new track in the best way possible. Like I said in the beginning he sounds much more alive here. Cus when I saw him live he looked like he could give 2.... granted, if I remember correctly not long after I saw him a story broke about some off stage issues, and this was also right before the major bonk he took on stage, that was scary. But here, it seams he is back to himself


That's a very grungee riff, I like. I think he's been given this distinction by someone before, but this album is shaping up to really be Trance Metal. For you drug lovers out there you are gonna have a ball with this. Song actually kinda reminds me of Dark Team theme from Sonic Heroes, This Machine. Man that song is killer


I feel like I'm about to be murdered with the intro to this song. And it keeps going at that's not helping. How long till someone uses this song to make a Hellsing AMV. I'll label this one a Goth Metal Ballad. Either for a AMV or a Michael Myers highlight reel


Let's all gather round the campfire and sing some Manson. I feel that has a much darker meaning than I meant. But I digress, this songs cool. Its what I'd expect from Manson in a acoustic ballad. Pretty sure this song is about breaking himself away from substance abuse, or at least trying

This was not what I was expecting from a new Marilyn Manson album, its nothing ground breaking, and none of the songs really touch the classics, but its overall very very good. It maintains the atmosphere that you would expect but goes other places you wouldn't. In the end, even if you are turned off by his antics or previous content, I'd say give this one a spin. Its a great album to listen to musically without being to, abrasive to those of the sensitive nature. And the last question I will answer for you today, you know when you want something really bad, and you clos your eyes and you wish for it? gods the guy that ignores you

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