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Tesla Mechanical Resonance


Does anyone else taste Salt?

When I did my last Tesla Review, I stated that while yes I did know most of their classic songs, that I would need to go back and check out a classic album, so here we are. If you haven't seen that video, I recommend going and checking it out. It wasn't met with the warmest reception but I stand by my opinions. Lets take a listen into Mechanical Resonance, and Here We Go ai

Ez Come Ez Go

We start out with some sexy bass and drum play. It builds up into the signature sound. Then the singing starts..... what the hell is that? The highs sound great, like really great, I'm not talking about that. But the low volume notes are bad. Not on a technical note of course, its the way he delivers the words. The chorus is a good time though. this song is a little too literal to the name with its quality.

Cumin' Atcha Live

Then Comes the classic song that if you don't know, you should. If you have played GTA Vice city then you know this song. It deserves its place amongst the great classic 80s songs. With its ripping intro guitar play, constant build up, pump up vocals. Its a great song for driving, blasting in a home studio, the bar, anywhere. Its just a rip roarin time. The whole end solo of this song is enough on its own to cement that

Gettin' Better

This is the most crying in your windowsill while it rains song I have ever heard, and it sounds nice. Then the riffs start. It's very AC/DC in its style, with added Tesla Flair. Its funny going from crying to bouncing off the walls, but it fits with the subject matter of the song. This song does a good job of showing Jeff's vocal abilities. If you are having a bad day, throw this song on

2 Late 4 Love

I really dig the intro to this song, great build up. And the build up really pays off. This song kicks ass, it has a little bit of everything to it. This is the song I was hoping to hear when I came back to visit Tesla again, cus this one is making the playlist and staying there, its never to late to love a song

Rock Me to the Top

When did my music switch to the Scorpions? I love the scorpions so this is a welcome addition. This song has a great flow to it, though I will say the chorus hits a little light for what I expected. The verses are great, and I love the solo, it has great phrasing to it. The build up after the solo is great as well, it helps the last chorus hit harder than the first 2 as it adjusts to meet the aggression it deserves

We're No Good Together

Ballad time. Jeff is on point, showing the soul in his voice in full force. This song is different from your typical 80's rock ballad, it has more substance to it. The music is simple but for a song like this, that's ok, it all goes together like salt and caramel. Till the second half, it picks up the pace quit a bit. I will say Tesla knows how to keep a song from getting stagnant or boring, the hell happened with that London jam then, the second half of this song rocks hard. Maria Carey does not approve this message

Modern Day Cowboy

Here it is, one of my all time favorite songs. It's a song that speaks for itself. Every single part of this song is amazing and just hits harder. If you have not done so, get into a fire fight in GTA or Red Dead while blasting this song, it is pure Bliss. Then when you are making your escape put on some Wanted Dead or alive and you have the complete set. This song is an all time great and it isn't going anywhere, it will blow you away before you even had the chance to try


Great piano work in the intro, kinda keeps the cowboy flow going. The verse of this song, i'll be straight up I don't like. The chorus saves it though its really good, it actually reminds me of style Tommy Shaw was doing with his solo work. Which if you haven't heard go check out some of that stuff, Dangerous Game is a fantastic song. As for this song its overall a dud to me, which is a shame considering what it followed on the album

Little Suzi

Guitar work on point here, its simply lovely, sounds like it would be real fun to play. I thought we were in for another ballad which honestly would have been disappointing but thankfully it isnt. The chorus section starts then I realized, I've heard this song, just whatever version of the song I have heard on the radio or VH1 or whatever skipped the intro and shame on you for doing that. This song has an old school feeling to it, and that's a good feeling to have.

Love Me

This song just screams teenage male lead strutting down the street to pick up equivalent Teenage female lead. And.... I don't like it. Something about it doesn't resonate with me well. Even busting out the talk box over a good riff doesn't save it. There's too much cheese here for me and I love cheese. This album is really starting to appear front loaded

Cover Queen

Ok we are turning it around here a bit. That intro riff is awesome. Verse is ok, but its missing some density. Jeff's voice is great in the chorus. But, that synth part at 1:12, is atrocious. Why the hell is it so loud? It doesn't fit in at all and It took me right out of the song. The final riff and solo is pretty cool I guess but not enough to get its grip back on me, how unfortunate.

Before My Eyes

oooooh we got some heaviness going on with the beginning of this one. I can totally see Slayer doing a cover of this song, its not that hard to imagine if you try. The heaviness continues throughout the atmospheric verse, but that chorus, did they even try? It sounds like they stopped playing but kept recording. They must be going for the whole oh behold the beauty before my eyes feel or whatever it just doesn't work. Every other part in this song works, just has that one blemish in the most important part of a song. The final Chorus at least has more too it and should have been used everywhere else, that would have been sooo much better. Then the end of the song is ju

This album had me in the first half and I was feeling great jamming out with it. But right after Modern Day Cowboy, save for a few spots, when screaming down hill. I'm a little bummed out about that, it was tracking towards the most excellent territory, but the second half was getting awfully close to Meh, I'm still not changing my rating on the London jam, it was meh. As for this album, It lands in between the Most excellent and meh territory so I do recommend you give it a spin, as the good outweigh the not so good. Nothing here is really bad, except for that jarring part in Cover Queen. Just no. This is Fenrirock signing off, take care



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