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Testament - Titans of Creation


This one's for you Jar

What better way to spend a rainy quarantine day? Other than play Animal Crossing all day? Listen to some new classic thrash metal! 2 things that couldn't be more on opposite ends of the spectrum. Everyone knows the Big 4 of thrash, but right below them Testament and Exodus (Down with Exodus) reside. I've actually seen Testament more than all of the big 4 except for Megadeth. And as of April 3rd Testament has a new album, so let's check it out, shall we. Open that pit and take a shit (don't do that) Here, we, go

  1. Children of the next Level

We kick it off with classic sounding Testament riffs. This song feels somewhat like a history lesson in a way, as it showcases the differnt styles Testament has done through the years, good intro track to show you what they are. Perfect song to introduce someone to

  1. WWIII

Now this is how we really get going. Didn't realize how badly I needed new thrash till that main riff kicked in woo. Chuck is by far, to me, the most underated front man in the 80s thrash, he's also the most evolved over time. This is the perfect follow up track as it kicks you straight to the teeth. If the rest is like this then, just yes

Dream Deciever

Again, opening riffs rustling the jimmies (ew). This song has modern thrash styled riffs and classic style chorus, and it melds amazingly. The solo section of this song is especially killer with the stop riffs playing off perfectly to the shred, ending with melodic shred and its just so damn good.

Night of the witch

Don't ever doubt Testament dammit, cus again, this song kills. This song is very very Slayery in both musically and vocally. The song is just overall very tight. One thing Testament has had is amazingly well produced albums. You can hear every note regardless of how fast it is, or how chuggy it is, this song perfectly encapsulates that, especially with the scale runs pre chorus. So far we are 3 for 3

City of Angels

Slowing it down here, going for the serious, and welcome chugs, mixed with some nice cleans. Some trippy vocal harmonies for the first half of the verse, tranistioning to what you would expect. For the chorus both the cleans and harmony returns and its the first time they lose me one this one. Idk it just didn't really work for me. Short solo accomponied by a somewhat generic riff but is followed by a nice bass solo. Bass needs more love man. It's basically a solo fest hear on out and I'm all for it, just overall this song was the first dud to me, couldn't really get too in to it

Ishtar's Gate

Dirty bass and drums on the intro that I kinda wish went on a little longer, but the guitar melody that comes in is pretty sweet. It goes to Judas Priest styled riff which again is cool. Return of the bass in the chorus that is very bass forward. This song is just so damn groovey, and we needed some groove to break up the the endless moshing


Nice little chromatic riff accompanied by the bass. We get an intriguing riff that molds itself into the verse, but also returns as the chorus. Its different, but not un enjoyable. I can appreciate the musicianship in this song but i'm not fully jiving with it

False Prophet

There isn't much to say about this song, its a somewhat generic thrash song, musicaly, vocaly, and lyricaly. Its executed flawlessly, but come on guys, I expected more, especially with how this album was going

The Healers

Dammit, its starting to seem like they blew their load for the first few songs as agian, this song is generic. I'm not saying this song is bad, not by any stretch of the mind, but its just something we've heard before. We only have 3 tracks left, hopefully they turn it around

Code of Hammurabi

More bass love, as with the start of this one I think things are in fact turning around. That main riff is nasty with a fantastic flow to it. Probably the most chanty chorus that's going to be great at live shows, whenever those happen again. Quite possibly my favorite solo on the album so far. Also fun fact I thought this song was called Code of Harambe at a quick glance

Curse of Osiris

Extreme energy right of the bat here, and billy goes kinda sorta crazy with his vocals here and I like it, i like it alot. This isn't thrash at this point, this song is black metal, and its a very pleasent surprise. This was the real shot I needed


Final track before this album goes to the catacombs, I still hate myself. Very march driven riff with some nice synth to start. This sounds more like an intro track than a closing track however, then I look at how long the song is, and I'm confused, cus its only 2 minutes long. Umm did somebody put the tracks in the wrong order? What is going on?



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