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Top 10 SOAD Songs


Top 10 SOAD Songs

This weeks musical videos are going to be dedicated to System of a Down to pay tribute to them for the release of new music for the first time in 15 years. Ever since I really started getting into music, they were one of my favorite bands. That was cemented after seeing them live. 2 and a half straight hours of playing, it was crazy. They have a sound that is truly unique to their own, and their fandom spreads beyond that of just rock fans. Its a real sense of family in their fandom. Narrowing their songs down to 10 is difficult, but these are my top 10 System of a Down songs

10. Old School Hollywood

Bet you didn't expect this one, as it isn't really mentioned amongst their great songs. I for one love it, between the flow, silly lyrics, and the mixture of hard hitting riffs with synth. Song is heavy as hell in parts and makes you laugh in others. Its just a well rounded song that deserves some more attention

9. I-E-A-I-A-I-O

boots and cats and boots cats. Thunderous open accompanied by the patented Serj tongue twister verse, and capping it off with the multi meaning chanting chorus that you can't help but sing along with. Don't get much more hard hitting than this

8. Cigaro

The first time I heard this song was back in the early days of YouTube, and I saw a little animated video with this song on it. It's, hilarious. My band actually covered this song a few times during practice as it is an absolute blast to play, giving good laughs along the way. There are multiple dynamics that make this song harder to play than you'd first think but otherwise its an easy pick up. The children chanting at the end is always pure silliness

7. Holy Mountains

I first had Kill Rock n Roll here, that song holds some nostalgia in my heart from my first job. Holy Mountains though, is to this day one of the most epic songs from SOAD. When I first heard it I immediately picked up my guitar and tried to figure out how to play it. The mood of the song is really a slower heavy Aerials, and is perfect

6. Metro

The even bigger surprise of this list. I adore their cover of this song, so damn much. They give the flare as only they can. The Bass line is absolutely nasty, they make the whole song pretty chill as to blind side you with the monstrous chorus. If you have not heard this cover, jump on the metro and check it out, right now. Train leaves in 5 minutes

5. Genocidal Humanoidz

Yes, the brand new song has made it on the list, how? Because its fantastic and fits right into arsenal. This song really reminds me of Daron's Scars on Broadway stuff, and I love that. If you are hankering for some more SOAD and haven't heard Scars, go and check it out. For a band that was gone for 15 years, for them to channel their older stuff and pull it off so flawlessly, is something to marvel at

4. Sugar

When I heard this song pop up in Madden, the first thing that came to mind was, well this whole thing is about to be censored, and I was for the most part right. It was like watching the censored version The Pick of Destiny. If you haven't seen that, its basically a silent movie and makes it even funnier. This song is as classic as it gets, and is heavy, simple but such a joy to play. It will really take you about 5 minutes to learn but do it

3. Aerials

Of course this song is on here, this song is amazing, and too this day may be the song I've played most ever on guitar. The back and forth of cleans and distorted, the pure power of the chords, and that final bridge when it all comes together is one of the most powerful moments in music, ever. It truly is a perfect song

2. B.Y.O.B

To me, this is the most complete song they have ever written. It has a strong structure and perfect flow throughout. Some were saying they lost their edge when these albums came out, haha you're cute. The Chorus to this song is just so sing songy and fun to disguise the message underneath. Before playing this song maker sure your 7th and 8th frets are in good shape. Guess that could be said about all their song

1. Violent Pornography

This is my first real song that really got me into System of a Down. So you can site nostalgic bias, but really, if you think about it, this is the most System of a Down song out of all System of a Down songs. Silly lyrics with double meaning, Great clean sections that give way to heavy chords, funky rhythms, and a chorus you just wanna scream. It is my favorite song from SOAD and its been that way ever since I first heard it

I fully understand there are some alarming omissions from this list. Narrowing down' their discography to only 10 songs is extremely difficult with all the fantastically amazing songs they have done. Really a whole lotta of them coulda been tied for 2, 1 stays the same for me. so list your favorites down below. Lets celebrate more system as we continue to bump the new tracks. Take Care


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