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Top 10 Underrated Judas Priest Songs


Updated: Oct 6, 2020

Hello, and Welcome to a list of the most underrated songs from One of, if not the best, Metal Band of...

Mastadi** :Judas Priest isn't Metal...

Me : You can't be serious

Mastadi** : Just listen to their stuff, they are Rock an Roll

Me : Well yea, compared to now its nothing like modern metal but back in the day this is Heavy Metal, have you not heard Painkiller

Mastadi** : Thats Just fast rock n roll

Me :daaaah.... daaaaaaah

Napa : Whats Wrong Fenrirock?

Me : Nothing, just, an Anurism from shear stupidity

Napa : Wow, didn't know you were that stupid David


its hard to think of any Judas Priest song as underrated, but when you have so many classic fan favorites, its really easy for some others to slip through the cracks. So here's my list of the most underrated and underappreciated songs.

10 - Secrets of the Dead - Redeemer of Souls

The most recent release on this list, so hasn't had too much time become rated anyway "This album came out 6 years ago" oh damn its been that long already? "Yupp" well maybe it has then. I feel this song was glanced over mostly by fans. What you are missing out on is in my opinion one of the best Priest Chorus' of all time. Has a haunting melody and harmonies. The music overall just really suits the subject matter. Metal egypt, Me Like. Firepower got a lot of love when it came but overall i feel Redeemer is better, but I'll save that for another day

9 - Rocka Rolla - Rocka Rolla

The original, that a lot of metal fans don't even know about. Is it very different, yes and no. Its mostly old school psychedelic rock, but you can hear the sapling of metal beginning to grow. Rob's booming voice is still present. If you have not heard the original Priest, I'd say go on and check it out, it may not be what you expect, but its still great

8 - Devil's Child - Screaming for vengeance

A song from what some hold as the greatest Priest album? Affirmative, and spoilers its not the last time we will come here. this song get's forgotten amongst the classics from Screaming for Vengeance but deserves just as much attention they get. The verse has a good ol head banging time with its punchy melody. And any chorus you get to scream Devil is automatically awesome. For me this is Rob's best era for Vocal's, Which takes precedence in the AMAZING screams in the bridge. To me, again, it doesn't get any better than that

7 - Victim of Changes - Sad wings of destiny

Let's get this out of the way, This song isn't underrated, To Priest fans. Who it is to though would be the rest of music fans. This song belongs on the top 10 priest songs but outside the fandom not enough people know about. It really needs to be heralded amongst the greatest metal songs of all time period. For them to be as heavy as they were in this song this early on in the metal world needs to be more commended. From the vocals to both Glenn and KKs riffs just, metal perfection

6 - Burn in Hell - Jugulator

Man, poor ripper. The dude get's such a bad wrap. It ain't his fault dammit. Ripper or Rob, doesn't matter because this song is awesome. It's just been pushed aside, quite litteraly, because of the era it took place in. This song has great vocal's, great guitar work, bass you can feel in the jimmies, and one of the best recorded snare sounds you can get. Something about that snare just sounds so good. If you wrote this song off just because it has Tim Ripper Owens on it, please just go back and check it out

5 - Turbo Lover - Turbo

Oh Turbo Lover, so many hate you, just cus you use synth. It was the 80's, everyone was using synth, even ZZtop. This song is considered by some to be a classic including me but hated by others. If you hated it, but haven't listened to it in a long time, give it another go, yes its very different from other Priest, but at the same time its really not. Especially the second verse, that is straight Classic Priest from there on out. This song really just might be on of the most 80's songs of all time really

4 - Nostradamus - Nostradamus

Is the Nostradamus album strange? Yes, yes it is. But that doesn't mean there aren't some great tracks on it. The main stay in live shows and fan's hearts has been Prophecy, but I would argue that the title track is better. This is a song that could have fit right on to Painkiller with its more thrash tendencies. Song is fast, riffy, screamy, all the best parts of Priest but its been mostly forgotten. It's a shame, it doesn't deserve that

3 - Bloodstone - Screaming for vengeance

The second song from Screaming that has been lost to time. The opening riff in this song is just so damn good, along with every other riff in it. I have this box set that comes with a DVD for a concert during the Screaming for Vengeance tour, and its one of the best from them, them at their performing peak, to me. The solo in this song is also amongst the best, the bends in it have emotion behind them

2 - Hellrider - Angel of retribution

The song that inspired my old gamer tag, Hellridermyx. One of my all time favorite songs period, ever since I saw it on their more recent Japan Concert DVD that I picked up in guitar center. This song deserves, so much more than it gets. Its heavy, so heavy, perfect melodies, amazing blistering endless solos, endless double bass, just all around perfect mastery of every instrument on display. One of my favorite musical moments in histroy is the bridge post solo, with the Hellrider harmony, I get chills every, single time, even to this day. This song is just amazing..... so amazing

1 - Leather Rebel - Painkiller

I've talked alot about songs being overshadowed by other classics on the same release. To me, this song is the posterchild of that. This is, without a doubt, my favorite song on the Painkiller album and is criminally underatted and forgotten. I've never once seen anyone else mention it amongst their favorites, if it is please speak up I don't wanna be alone. This is priest at its thrashiest, and i love every single bit of it.

So that is my list of the must underrated, underappreciated Judas Priest songs of all time. What did you think of it, do you know all the songs I listed here, and what are some songs you feel belong here as well, cus sure as hell there's more. You can't be a band for 50 years and not have some sleepers. Please like and subscribe, ring the bell to be notified of my future videos help me reach 100 subs by the end of this year. This is Fenrirock signing off, take care

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