Dead Men Tell No Tales, or do they?
What the dead Men Say is the latest album from the Band Trivium. And yes, I know this is extremely late. My first experience with them was back when The Crusade album (My favorite album from them btw) came out. My first band was called Gospel of Fire and we wanted to learn a song with the word Fire in the title. A friend of ours was really into the band at the time, as this was before Trivium was you know, big big, and showed us the song, Anthem, We are the Fire. Instantly I fell in love with the classic thrash sounding tones mixed with modern metal, because remember I was still developing as a metalhead. Fast-forward to today, and they are more than going strong, and remain one of my most listened to bands. This should be fun
Hey look, an intro at the beginning of an album, I'm looking at you Testament. Does its job, nothing crazy but is very atmospheric with a slower version of a riff we will hear again. Builds up perfectly into
What the Dead Men Say
What the Dead men Say, the title track. Great first full song. I will say it has flavors akin to Stone Sour, at least with the main riff and chorus, mixed with your Trivium Flair. The riff that was introduced in 9, just at full speed, is pretty killer. The stone sour / Slipknotness comes back again during the bridge. It fits. Overall its a solid 1-2 punch at the opener
First time I heard this song, and this thought still holds true for me, is that main riff is borderline over simplified. Does it sound good, yes, yes it does, but it sounds somewhat like a beginners guide to metal. Again, it does sound good, especially when the harmony kicks in with it. This song however is one of Matt's best Vocal performances, especially post solo in the final chorus, the long note is brilliant. Great vocally just a little light on the music end, like a good song to practice if you are trying to learn how to play and sing at the same time. The bridge though is a good change of pace, with its, off pace gallop. I'm not sure exactly what its called but it isnt a full gallop or pedal, I'll go with two step gallop. Its different and pretty sweet
Amongst The Shadows & The Stones
This song is absolutely blistering. Right from the get go it punches you in the face with Triviums brand of thrash. Especially the pre chorus section, it is pure adrenaline, as is the chorus. Essentially it is a roller coaster ride with no reprieve and its placed in the right spot following the more melodic intro to the album. The solo section has a very nice bounce to it, and the melody in there sounds very modern Metallica, in the good way. Song just flows through nicely and is probably my favorite on the album. Complete package
Bleed Into Me
That bass though. This song feels very different. The main riff is very punchy and lands hard onto its root notes, very punctual. I'm a little undecided if I like or dislike this song, guess its a bit of both. The song in its entirety is contrasting to itself. Feels a bit like album filler honestly. Wouldn't say its skip worthy though, as it still keeps you interested. IDK again its a very mixed bag.
The Defiant
I feel like this is Crusade Era Trivium, Matt actually said the same thing in a recent stream so there you go. You mainly come to this song for its fantastic chorus, the rest is great too but that chorus, muah. This song has become a fan favorite and it is very easy to see why. Extremely accessible to new and old fans alike.
Sickness Unto You
I'll be upfront with this one, I'm not the biggest fan of this song. Not saying its bad song, because it most certainly not, I just don't resonate with it fully. However, from the halfway point, the bridge onward, I love it. The way the riff evolves and is used in multiple ways is great, like 2 different songs. Alex goes off with his drumming. Dude is a damn good drummer. Song loses me again with that random melodic riff though acting as a transition back into the main meat of the song. Good with the not as good
Scattering the Ashes
Tragic song, written by Corey speakin on scattering the ashes of his passed grandmother with his father. The music sounds somewhat upbeat, but like its hiding sadness, very fitting. I will say the bridge and chorus make me think of Five Finger Death Punch, just melody wise and lyrically. Sounds good. Paulo takes lead vocals before the solo as a good contrast, which sounds pretty sweet. He has a very different voice to Matt. Song follows the motions to the end, closing out a pretty great song
Bending The Arc To Fear
I feel like I've heard the first few riffs in this song before, nonetheless they have a great flow to them. I'm a little indifferent to the verse melody and riffs, accompanied by kinda boring drumming, the chorus though is what shines, it morphs as it goes and is great. Before and during the solo section the riffs remind me of Backbone from Gojira. I am a fan of the unpredictability of this song, with its none linear progression. The closing riff is great, and I know Matt is gonna screaming CIRCLE during it
The Ones We Leave Behind
The closing track. Very Melodic for the verses. It goes back to the thrash sounds during the bridge, with flavors of Metallica in the vocal melodies. The chorus brings back the overall melodic feel of the song, while still having that sharp thrash sound to it. After the second chorus I love that bridge riff and solo section. Harmonies abound, sounds fantastic. One last chorus, then we fade out with the bridge riff again but played at a higher octive and added sweep harmony.
Overall I can easily say this is my favorite Trivium album since the Crusade. One thing it is lacking to me though is there isn't that one long, epic that I love, like Shogun. Even so this album is fantastic, great display of musicianship and Metal Mastery you've come to expect from Trivium. This Album has been out long enough at this point that if you have not given it a spin yet, I highly recommend that you do.
Thank you for checking out my review of What the Dead Mean Say, This is Fenrirock signing off reminding you, if you can dodge a wrench, you can dodge a ball